7 ottobre 2018

A sfogliatella (Italian pronunciation: [sfoʎʎaˈtɛlla], plural: sfogliatelle), sometimes called a lobster tail in English, is a shell-shaped filled with Italian pastry native to Campania. Sfogliatella means "small, thin leaf/layer", as the pastry's texture resembles stacked leaves. There is a distinction to be made between lobster tail and sfogliatella, as they do not refer to the same pastry. The lobster tail exists only in the United States and generally refers to a cream filled, larger pastry. The sfogliatella Santa Rosa was created in the monastery of Santa Rosa in Conca dei Marini in the province of Salerno, Italy, in the 17th century. Pasquale Pintauro, a pastry chef from Naples, acquired the original recipe and began selling the pastries in his shop in 1818.